"Roh Kudus Tetap Teguh" Tagged Services

"Roh Kudus Tetap Teguh" Tagged Services

Rivers of Living Water

Welcome to our virtual service for Sunday, May 31 led by Pastor Susan Ostrom.Worship Assistant: Trina Volk Music Blessed Be Your Name – CCLI#2375050 CSPL#155916 (MPUMC Praise Band) Roh Kudus Tetap Teguh – (Vocals by Annie Chaudhry, Piano by Fredrick Purnama) I’m Goin’ a Sing When the Spirit Says Sing – UMH 333 (Piano by Andrea Llafet, Vocals by Annie Chaudhry) When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came…