This Generous Undertaking

This Generous Undertaking

Mill Plain UMC Sunday October 16 2022,
This Generous Undertaking
2 Corinthians 8:1-7

Come, Christians, Join to Sing #158
Great is Thy Faithfulness #140
Freely, Freely #389

Mill Plain UMC

Sunday October 16, 2022

Welcome Announcements


Mission Moment

Moment of Gratitude

Call to Worship

Worship Assistant:  God who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.

People:  You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity.

Worship Assistant:  God loves a cheerful giver!

Opening Prayer

All things come from you, O God, and with gratitude we return to you what is yours.

You created all that is, and with love formed us in your image.

When our love failed, your love remained steadfast.

You gave your only Son Jesus Christ to be our Savior.

All that we are, and all that we have, is a trust from you.

And so, in gratitude for all your gifts, we offer you ourselves, and all that we have, in union with Christ’s offering for us.

By your Holy Spirit make us one with Christ, one with each other, and one in ministry to all the world; 

through Jesus Christ our Savior.  Amen.

(reprinted from The United Methodist Book of Worship, copyright 1992, by permission of The United Methodist Publishing House.)

Song Come, Christians, Join to Sing #158

Young Disciple’s Moment

Anthem  A Canon of thanks

Silent Prayer

Pastoral Prayer

Lord’s prayer

In the Spirit of Generosity

Presentation of Offerings


New Testament

2 Corinthians 8:1-7

We want you to know, brothers and sisters, about the grace of God that has been granted to the churches of Macedonia; for during a severe ordeal of affliction, their abundant joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. For, as I can testify, they voluntarily gave according to their means, and even beyond their means, begging us earnestly for the privilege of sharing in this ministry to the saints— and this, not merely as we expected; they gave themselves first to the Lord and, by the will of God, to us, so that we might urge Titus that, as he had already made a beginning, so he should also complete this generous undertaking among you.

Now as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in utmost eagerness, and in our love for you—so we want you to excel also in this generous undertaking.

Song Great Is Thy Faithfulness #140

Sermon This Generous Undertaking


Great and Giving God, as you so generously bless us with the bounty of your creation and the fullness of your love, we look to our world and pray for the grace to share our bounty and love.  Amen.

Song  Freely, freely  #389


The grace of Jesus Christ enfold you all.

Go in peace, go in joy, go in love.



Walk out slides