Bible Presentation For Students
Each year, Mill Plain UMC presents Bibles to its third grade students and older students attending Sunday school who have not received a Bible from our church.
This presentation usually occurs during Sunday service, but with in-person services suspended due to COVID-19, Pastor Sue and Trina Volk made other plans to present Bibles to students this year. They organized a driving tour to five family’s homes and held the Bible presentation for six students using socially distance practices.

“I was touched that Trina and Pastor Sue made a special event out of the Bible presentation for my son and the other students while we weren’t able to do this at an in-person service,” said Kaia French. “I still treasure the Bible I received as a child and remember how special it was to receive it when I was that age.”
Warm thanks to Pastor Sue and Trina for making this a special day for all the students!