Strategic Plan


Throughout 2021, a group of six members of the Church Council met regularly to develop an initial strategic plan. A key staffing change provided an opportunity to rethink how ministry is approached at Mill Plain UMC and set guidance through the development of the plan.

The group worked to understand the current congregation, its place in the community and the needs that exist within the community. Using these inputs, the group developed a vision for what Mill Plain UMC might look like in five years, an understanding of what resources are available and a plan for using the resources to realize the five-year vision.

A draft plan was presented to the full Church Council and received input and approval. Initial steps, as detailed in the plan, will be undertaken and there will be a chance for learning and revision as well as incorporating more voices and points of view as the plan is implemented and evaluated.

Contact Douglas A Evans, our planning process facilitator, with any questions. His contact information is available through the church office.