Holy Week Services

Mpumc   -  

Join us for these Holy Week Services, either in person or livestream (except for the Sunrise Service which is in person only) 


Good Friday services at 6:30 PM. The service will be organized around Meditations at the Cross. People who worship in person will have the opportunity to come forward to nail pieces of paper listing their sins to a wooden cross, or simply to kneel or stand before the cross as the lamentations are read. This is a meditative and interactive service. Nursery care will be available.


Easter Sunrise, 6:30 AM at Heritage Park by Lacamas Lake. Gather with people from other United Methodist Churches in Clark County as pastors from different churches lead the service. The service will be held between the restrooms and the play equipment. Dress for the weather! Coffee will be available for those wanting a warm drink.


At Mill Plain UMC masks are optional except while singing. We will sing at both services and enjoy coffee hour together too, resuming some of the traditions we most loved before the pandemic.Contemporary


Easter Service 9:30 AM at Mill Plain UMC. The Praise Band will play LIVE, we’ll decorate the flower cross, and celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Sunday School will meet during this time.  Nursery care will be available.


Easter Egg Hunt and Coffee Hour at 10:30 AM. The egg hunt is for children up through Grade 5 and will take place in the playground. Coffee and muffins will be available outside under the North Entrance.


Traditional Easter Service, 11:30 newly organized Vocal Ensemble will lead hymns and share a medley of Easter hymns and we will sing the Responsive Lord’s prayer with Peter Fulwell leading on a version he recorded before moving from Vancouver this summer. We will continue to decorate the flower cross and celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Nursery care will be available.