Church Blog (Page 4)

Church Blog (Page 4)

Gaining from Collaboration

The latest buzz word from our District Superintendent is collaboration. The dictionary definition that came up from a google search is “the action of working with someone to create or produce something.” As I look at the word itself, I see in it ‘co-labor,’ to work with or alongside another, to labor together. So much of our society emphasizes competition. Competition can push us to develop our abilities and talents, to work a little harder as we compete with someone…

When Plans Fall Apart

What do you do when your plans fall apart? Last summer we hosted Project Transformation, a summer literacy program for low-income children. While there were some definite challenges (it took a toll on our building and our energy, and we did not have Vacation Bible School for our own children), there were many pluses. Through Project Transformation we connected with our neighborhood in significant ways. All the children who completed the program went back to school with maintained or improved…

The Lost Sheep

As Christmas approaches, some families may get out “The Elf on the Shelf.” I had to check the internet to learn that this tradition comes from a children’s book that tells how it is that Santa knows who has been naughty or nice – with the help of this elf who watches out. No offense to those who enjoy it, but honestly, it seems a little creepy to me. In my house, ever since last New Year’s Day, when we…