Serving the Lord During the Pandemic, Part 2

Rev. Sue Ostrom   -  

Stewardship Campaign Kickoff – Serving the Lord During the Pandemic, Part 2


Last year we thought by this time we’d be post-pandemic. Throughout the ups and downs, Mill Plain UMC has remained steadfast. And there is much to be grateful for–-worship is now in person as well as online. Preschool numbers are increasing, and Sunday School, youth group and Bible study nurture our faith. Mission efforts have continued—we opened a cooling center on the hottest summer days. We provided children’s books and activity packets while hosting Food Bank Fresh. We maintained our Little Free Pantry and Library; and sustained support of many of our traditional missions.


This Sunday we kick off our annual stewardship campaign. It’s the time of year when we reflect on the blessings we’ve received and think about how we can financially support all of our ministries. Join us in person or online for worship on November 8 when we celebrate our gifts.


We’ve asked a number of people from the congregation to share what this church means to them. For the remainder of October, we’ll be hearing from some during worship and from others in the Friday Notes & News. We start with this from Kaia French:


“Mill Plain UMC has become our extended family, our spiritual beacon and most especially during this pandemic, consistency we’ve held onto dearly. Although “going to church” looks, feels and IS different now, Pastor Sue, our worship team and Mill Plain’s leadership has allowed our family to worship together every Sunday. During a time of unsettling change and fear of the unknown, we knew we could count on logging into Zoom Sunday School and online church service that grounded us each week. Our children are learning to trust in their faith and grow in Christ’s love because of Mill Plain UMC. We are fortunate and so blessed to have found such a loving Christ-centered community.”