Rev. Sue Ostrom

Staff Pastor

Pastor Sue Ostrom has been at Mill Plain since 2016. She grew up in Pullman, WA, graduating from WSU. She holds a Master of Divinity from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, OH and a Doctor of Ministry from George Fox Evangelical Seminary in Portland, OR. She has served a variety of churches in the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church and is delighted to be at Mill Plain.

“Mill Plain’s passion for hands-on mission and engagement in the community, even during a pandemic, delight me,” she says. “I see God daily in the lives of this congregation, their friendliness to new people and openness to new ideas.”

Sue walks to work each day, enjoys working in her garden, and doing crossword puzzles. She is married to Doug Wood and they share their home with their cats, Marbles and Willie.