Changes made to the Book of Discipline Last Saturday at the Reconciling Ministries gathering for Clark County United Methodist Churches we discussed the changes made to the Book...
Reading the Bible Scripture is the primary guideline for our faith. Reading Scripture is thus an important spiritual discipline. And it can be hard to...
A life of Prayer A well-rounded prayer life includes a variety of types of prayer. As a conversation with God, prayer includes speaking to God and listening...
Thanksgiving Eve, A night of hope On Thanksgiving Eve the Interfaith Coalition of Southwest Washington held an Interfaith Thanksgiving Service at Congregation Kol Ami,...
Thank you Peggy I met Peggy when I was about ten years old. Peggy’s daughter and I were in Girl Scout’s together, so Peggy was to me just someone...
A BIGGER TABLE STILL Last fall a number of people from Mill Plain joined a congregational study of a book titled A Bigger Table; Building Messy, Authentic, and...