The In Between Time

The In Between Time

Mill Plain UMC
Sunday January 21, 2024
The In Between Time

Luke 10:25-37 New English Bible

I’ll Fly Away
Blessed Be Your Name
Better Than a Hallelujah
God of Love and God of Power
Forward Through the Ages

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Mill Plain UMC

January 21,2024

10 a.m.

Praise Song                                        I’ll Fly Away


Call To Worship

Worship Ass’t:  Now we see in a mirror, dimly,

People:  But then we will see face to face.

Worship Ass’t:  Now we see in a mirror, dimly,

People:  But then we will look out the window to see clearly the world around us.

Worship Ass’t:  Now we see in a mirror, dimly.

People:  Through the window we see God face to face.

Opening Prayer

God of the In Between, you walked with us in the past, you lead us into the future, and you are present with us now.  On the road with us, we rejoice in your presence and attend to your guidance.  In this In Between, open our eyes to your holiness.  In Jesus’ name. we pray, Amen. 

Praise Songs                                    Blessed be your name

                                                           Better than a hallelujah   

Young Disciples Moment

Silent Prayer

Pastoral Prayer

Lord’s Prayer


Presentation of Offerings




Luke 10:25-37 The New English Bible

On one occasion, a lawyer came forward to put this test question to him: “Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”  Jesus said, “What is written in the Law? What is your reading of it?”  He replied, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” ‘That is the right answer,” Jesus said; ‘do that and you will live.’

But he wanted to vindicate himself, so he said to Jesus, ‘And who is my neighbor?  Jesus replied, ‘A man was on his way from Jerusalem down to Jericho when he fell in with robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and went off leaving him half dead.  It so happened that a priest was going down by the same road; but when he saw him, he went past on the other side.  So too a Levite came to the place, and when he saw him went past on the other side.  But a Samaritan who was making the journey came upon him, and when he saw him was moved to pity.  He went up and bandaged his wounds, bathing them with oil and wine.  Then he lifted him on to his own beast, brought him to an inn, and looked after him there.  Next day he produced two silver pieces and gave them to the innkeeper. and said, ‘Look after him; and if you spend any more, I will repay you on my way back.”  Which of these three do you think was neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?”‘  He answered, ‘The one who showed him kindness.’  Jesus said, “Go and do as he did.’

Hymn                                    God of Love and God of Power #578 

Sermon                               The In Between Time


Looking through the window, God, we see those in the ditch.  Grant us the courage to step outside to get in the ditch; provide for us the leadership we need to find you, in the ditch.  Amen. 

Hymn                                  Forward Through the Ages  #555


Go forth in peace, and be good courage; hold fast that which is good, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.

And the blessing of God, Creator, Christ, and Comforter, be with you and remain with you forever.  Amen.